
Our Squadron Commander and five Lieutenant Commanders are collectively known as the Squadron Bridge. They are supported by a large number of officers and committees leading every aspect of our operation. To see a list of these committees click here. 

The District serves as the link between USPS and our squadron. It serves as a resource to the squadron leadership by providing information and guidance to the squadron officers and committees. It also provides feedback to the national organization about items of concern to the squadrons. Each squadron officer has a district counterpart who can provide information and answer questions.

Bridge Officers

Commander – Robert Shaw

Robert has been boating for over 50 years……

Executive Officer/Admin – Lt/C Jeff Fowler
Treasurer – Lt/C Tricia Warren
Secretary – Lt/C Linda Banks
District Liaison – D/Lt/C Tammy Carlos
Past Commander – Lt/C John Grande
Member at Large – Debbie Mc Donald
Member at Large – Ted Woodmas